Nature Sounds Aritani
Beautiful Blue Mountain river
- 2023/06/30
- 1曲 分
私が「自然の音」に興味を持ったのは、15年前の夏でした。 旅行で日本へ行った時に、朝4時頃山の奥深くへ行くと 「ヒグラシ=Tanna Japonensis」のとても綺麗で壮大な大合唱を聴いた時に、 すごく感動したのを今でも忘れられません。 それから日々の仕事が忙しい中、 週末になると自然のある山や海へ出かけては録音・撮影を夢中になって続けてきました。 今まで録音・撮影した中で「良い音がする自然の音」を中心に このチャンネルでは少しずつ公開していきます。 仕事が多忙・・・なかなか眠れない・・疲れた・・・ そんな時に癒しの時間、癒しの空間になれば嬉しいです。 Nature Sounds ■Administrator:Aritani Field Recording Engineer ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ■Explanation 【Nature sounds, healing, peace, meditation, sleep, relaxation, nature sounds】 Welcome to the nature sounds "Aritani" channel. Focusing on various genres of natural sounds "rain sounds, mountain streams, waterfalls, bell worms, frogs" This is the channel you are broadcasting on. It was 15 years ago in the summer that I became interested in "sounds of nature." When I went to Japan on a trip, I went deep into the mountains around 4:00 in the morning. When I listened to the very beautiful and magnificent chorus of "Higurashi = Tanna Japonensis", I still can't forget how moved I was. Then, while I was busy with my daily work, On weekends, I went out to the mountains and the sea with nature and continued to be absorbed in recording and shooting. Focusing on "sounds of nature with good sounds" that I have recorded and shot so far I will be releasing them little by little on this channel. I'm busy with work...I can't sleep well...I'm tired... I would be happy if it could be a healing time and a healing space at such times. ■Administrator:Aritani Field Recording Engineer ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー