真鍋 尚之

- 2023/05/12
- 49曲 分
伝統に根ざしながら独奏楽器としての笙の地位を確立させ、さらに超絶技巧を用いた作品の演奏で笙の魅力を飛躍的に発展させた。豊かな表現力で笙を自在に操る姿は「笙のパガニーニ」とも呼ばれ賞賛されている。 洗足学園大学(専攻/作曲・声楽)および東京芸術大学邦楽科雅楽専攻卒業。第1回国立劇場作曲コンクール優秀賞(1位)、東京・邦楽コンクール第1位など作曲及び演奏での受賞多数。2003年のリサイタルは読売新聞における年間ベスト5に選ばれる。2011年〜2012年文化庁文化交流使としてドイツ・ベルリンを拠点に活動。帰国後も定期的にソロをはじめアンサンブル、また雅楽の古典をヨーロッパに紹介する企画をオーガナイズしている。2019年パラグアイ・アスンシオンにてオーケストラと声楽・合唱のための1時間に及ぶ《Acosta Ñu》を初演。日本の伝統楽器や西洋のオーケストラ作品にまで世界中で演奏されている。 CDはコジマ録音より「真鍋尚之笙リサイタル」(2001)「笙韻若水」(2018)「笙・調子―全六調子」(2021)が発売されている。 After graduating from Kanagawa Prefectural Yaei High School (Music Course), he has studied composition and vocal music at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, as well as Gagaku in Tokyo University of Arts. Mr. Manabe has won many awards in both composition and performance. Some notable awards and prizes for his composition works are the 14th and the 18th Kanagawa Prefectural Chorus Music Composition Competition, the 1st National Theater Composition Competition (1st Prize). In performance, he has been awarded the second prize in the Tokyo International Association of Artists 4th JILA Music Competition, as well as 1st Prize in the Tokyo Hogaku Competition. From the year 2000, he has been hosting the “Naoyuki Manabe Sho Recital” series to persue the potential of the Sho (1st Recital: Kiyoi Hall, 2nd Recital: Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall, 3rd and 4th Recital: Asahi Hall, 5th and 6th Recital: Tokyo Opera City Small Hall). For his third recital, he has been awarded the “Best Five Classical Concerts of the Year 2003” by the Yomiuri Newspaper. Aside from composing for solo sho, he has been composing sho duos for koto (17-string), violin, contrabass, and percussions. He has also been an active member of a Gagaku performer, and has been performing not only the sho but gakusou, gakubiwa, and Umai in Ono Gagaku Kai (小野雅楽会), as well as Jyu-Ni On Kai (十二音会). Mr. Manabe’s CD “Kokyu ~ Naoyuki Manabe Sho Recital” has been released from Kojima Recordings. Sent from Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan(文化庁), He has been the Japan Cultural Envoy(文化交流使) from May 2011 to May 2012 to Germany as well as 12 other countries and more than 30 cities. Within that time, he has performed in more than 50 recitals. After his return to Japan, he has been actively organizing events to introduce Gagaku and sho to the society. Naoyuki Manabe performed as a soloist, a lot of festival and concerts in the world. Ruhr truenale 2011 (Germany), März Musik Berlin 2012(Germany), Romernischer Sommer 2013 (Köln), International Eurasia Music Festival in Ekaterinburg 2013 (Russia), The Krasnoyarsk international festival of chamber music 2016 (Russia) , ACC 1st Anniversary Fesetival in Gwangju (Korea) etc.